44” x 56”
Ink, watercolour and acrylic on canvas
Family. A word that stands on its own as an entire sentence. A word that embodies so many feelings in just a few letters. Family, whether inherited or chosen, is a feeling of belonging. You know you're with family when you can be yourself and feel safe, feel at home, no matter where you happen to be. You can share your best and worst self with the people in your tribe knowing that you will be accepted and loved, no matter what. Unconditionally.
Any type of family (chosen, blended or inherited) is formed by a group of very different people who share one commonality: their love for one another. Sometimes the different characteristics and personality traits that each member brings to the group can present challenges to others, but in the end, the bigger picture remains intact: Family is about support, understanding, compromise, love, acceptance, compassion, honesty, openness, forgiveness.
All the good things, even when the tough times roll in - especially when the tough times roll in. This painting explores how "family" is a *feeling*. It is a verb that describes an act of love, but it is also a descriptor, an adjective that conjures imagery of sparkly, shiny, beautiful moments. Those moments that quickly turn into memories that shimmer in our minds forever, even when there are challenges or crossroads, there is always something magical about the love of family that can supersede the toughest of times, no matter what.
Everyone has a sense of family - whether this is a group you have chosen to be a part of yourself, or one you were lucky enough to be born into. For me, this feeling translates into sparkles, shimmering gold, bursts of colour, intersecting paths and lines and journeys... the anomalies and the patterns alike demonstrate the beauty and variety that exists in the family unit. How so many different characteristics can come together to create an unexpected sense of harmony, even when there are drips and spills and smears and smudges - these are not meant to be seen as stains or mistakes, but rather as unexpected contributions to the overall story. Family is magic, it is home, it is perfectly imperfect and beautifully chaotic.
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This painting is a commission created for a client and is not available for sale or reproduction. For more information about commissions, use the Contact page to reach out to the artist directly.
*This is an original painting by Tania LaCaria, there is only one in the world.